Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Why Won’t My Packing Tape Stick?

If you’re someone who is trying to tape stuff, only to find that it’s not sticking, you’re not alone. This can be frustrating, and if it doesn’t, there is a risk to the package, whether it’s through theft, and product packaging.  Depending on the box type that you have, you might not be able to fully utilize packing tape, and that’s a hassle for you.  It can even be a disaster.

What can you do? Well, here are a few reasons why you’re unable to get the packaging tape to stick c correctly. 

The Wrong Tape 

Not every single piece of tape is made with the same purpose.  The carton sealing and water activated ones are made specifically to seal corrugated packaging.

Carton sealing tape also won’t work if you don't apply this correctly. Hand tape is the best type of packing tape, and is applied to different dispensers that are hand held. Machine tape is larger in terms of the roll sizes and is made to be put in automatic and semi-automatic types of dispensers. If you’re not using this correctly, it might not stick the way that you plan to.

A lot of people use different types of tape for the different problems that are at hand. Electrical work, repairs, painting, all of these can use different types of tape, and if you set different reminders, you’ll be able to use the correct tape real fast. 

It’s Old 

If you have old tape, it’s not going to work correctly.  It’s going to end up becoming brittle, and that gumminess that keeps it together just isn’t going to work.

The best way to avoid this is to only get as much of the tape as you possibly can.  When you’re ready, reorder this, and just add it to the shopping list.

Don’t buy tape in bulk, as it’s usually not the best way to use this.  make sure that you also store this correctly. Make sure that it’s protected from the heat, any sunlight, and also make sure that it’s not in a place that’s overly dry.  Also, if you do buy a lot, create a system from oldest to newest of the tape and when it’s been used. 

Be Mindful of Water Activated Tape 

If you’re using water activated tape, you’ll find out as well that it’s very effective for adhering the bonds directly to the box itself, offering a tamper resistant method of sealing. But it needs to be wet, or else it’s not going to stick, period. A water activated tape dispenser is the best way to do this, so it gets enough water there. 

It’s Going to somewhere Cold. 

Finally, if you’re sending your items to a cold location, your tape probably isn’t going to work for this. colder types of temperatures are not good for adhesives, and also prevent the boxes from closing correctly. Cold temperature tapes are going to be your best friend, and there are a lot of times people don’t realize this.

You can get a tape that works even during the coldest of temperatures, and it’ll stick.

When you’re looking to improve your packaging, you do need to look at the right types of tape to use. If you use the wrong tape, it’ll bite you hard in the long haul, especially if you’re someone who isn’t really mindful of this.  take care of your tape, make sure to use it effectively, and from here, make sure that you use the correct tape for the packaging boxes that you need, and everything that comes with this too.

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